Peace, Love and Light

Peace, Love and Light is something one of my yoga teachers used to say at the end of class. For me this meant peace of mind, love myself and the light will shine from within. During meditation in today’s yoga class, we were asked to imagine being older (in the sense of wiser not more…

Feel the music, feel the joy

What brings you joy? For me it is music. Last week I went to a concert with an old friend of mine. I was hesitating at first, since I was tired and had to go to work the next day. While I didn’t know the band, I knew their previous musical efforts which go back…

Little Pleasures

I really enjoyed writing my post Chitter Chatter Random Thoughts last week. Cruising on gratitude is always giving me a good vibe. Focusing on little pleasures I experienced last week… I spent Thursday’s lunch break at this little italian cafe. It happens to be down the road from where I work. I have wanted to…

Yoga in the kitchen

This morning I finally took ten minutes for a few poses before my son burst through the door  into the kitchen. (Our new bathroom is too small to do yoga, you know.) Some part of me was hoping that we would move and everything would just magically fall into place. But, well, life is not…

Finding my own voice…

Music has always played an important role in my life. I sang in a choir, played instruments for years, had friends who were producing their own music, etc. But still somehow it fell off my radar and I resorted to simply listening. I rediscovered music with my son. I was singing for him when I…

Merry Christmas everybody!

Much has been written about Christmas and it’s two sidekicks drama and happiness. What I find fascinating is, how one day provokes such a variety of reactions. For me, Christmas and its meaning has changed a lot over the years. My son loves the holiday season, the lights, the gifts, of course, everything is so…

An alphabetic Ode to Vancouver

Last week I read this great post about An Alphabet of Gratitude. At the time I was planning to write an alphabet of gratitude (or things we like) with my son, however, feeling a wee bit homesick during the last day or so, I came up with an A-Z of things I miss about Vancouver…

I want to send a letter to Oma & Opa!

Last week on the way to daycare my son suddenly started telling me that he wanted to send a letter to Oma and Opa. Now, there would be nothing unusual about this, except that he was talking about my husband’s parents, who have passed away and he never met them. Actually, first he wanted to…

My biggest teacher

Becoming a parent felt like an overwhelming sense of responsibility to me. I used to be one of those teenagers who never wanted to get married, leave alone having kids. And then life happened. I met my husband, we got married, and well, we had a baby… what can I say, the deeply felt joy…