Do more of what makes you happy…

Piano.jpgIt’s been an awfully long time since I wrote down anything personal. And so I feel rather awkward trying to tap into this joy that has spread out inside of me.

I played piano at my friend’s house. On this beautiful immaculate instrument… I have admired it ever since I visited her for the first time. Interestingly enough, during a recent meditation it became clear to me that I longed for an opportunity to just sit there as long as I want and press random keys… Well, my friend has gone away for a few weeks and when I asked her whether I could play while she was away, she simply handed me her keys. I was surprised. She completely understood. And here I am. Headphones on, in a world of my own. What a pleasure! I always underestimate the healing effects of being completely absorbed into something I truly enjoy. Like reading. Or dancing. Or taking photos. Or playing the piano… Not that I really know what I am doing. But this is besides the point.

Lately, I have been doing more of the things that make me happy. Feeling this warm fuzziness and lots of gratitude…

Do more of what makes you happy…